Sunday, January 27, 2008

Blood Diamond

Have you seen this film?If not, you really should.I've had this film for a few months but I hadn't had the time to watch it until Friday. I wanted to show my students something to make them think and be able to discuss about afterwards.I can truly say that it was riveting.It is about the diamond trade in Sierra Leon and the Congo. I couldn't believe the barbaric way in which both the government and the militia treat the people of these areas. It was shocking and eye-opening. I never want to own a diamond if it means that people are treated in this way.I highly recommend this film as it action-packed as well as educational.


Tinsie said...

I keep putting off watching this movie coz I'm worried I'll get depressed :-(

Kate said...

It is very depressing and I would never have thought it possible but unfortunately it's true.I watched a report on it on CNN just before Christmas and I just couldn't believe how cruel man can be to its own species.

Tinsie said...

I think I'll give it a miss. I don't own any diamonds anyway, nor am I planning to, so there's no harm in living in ignorance a little longer...