Sunday, February 10, 2008


Two names you go by… Spyridoula(don't ask) and Indie

Two things you are wearing right now… PJ bottoms and a long-sleeved T-shirt. Very sexy:-)

Two things you would want (or have) in a relationship… Laughter and understanding

Two of your favorite things to do… Watching DVDs and taking quizzes

Two things you want very badly at the moment… faster internet and something sweet

Two pets you have or have had… had a turtle and a goldfish (I think I need a pet which will vocalise its needs)

Two things that you did last night… Took nice shower and e-mailed friends

Two people you think will fill this out… Tinsie(who did) and Loops

Two things you ate today… chicken and salad and a small bar of dark chocolate

Two people you last talked to… Too many to count: Angel and Penny

Two things you’re doing tomorrow… Visit a friend in the morning and then go to work till 10:30

Two longest car rides… Once coming back from Tripolis it took me 6 hours instead of two and once coming back from university it took me 2 hours due to bus strike.

Two favorite holidays… Easter and Christmas

Two favorite beverages… Cappuccino(Caldo or Freddo) or tea(Earl Grey or Ceylan)

Two people no longer alive who you’d like to talk to… My cousin Kosta and my dad

1 comment:

Tinsie said...

Spyridoula?! I never knew!

Pray, explain :-)