Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Oh Canada

Lately I've found myself feeling homesick for Canada. I haven't lived their in more than 20 years but I still feel very connected to this place. Every so often I find myself wondering what my life would have been like if I had gone back. Would I have had a different job, got married, been happy? Don't get me wrong, I like my life here. I love my friends, enjoy my job and feel rather content but I still wonder what I would have been like there. Do you feel like that T? I know that when I went back I missed being here and when I got back, it took me nearly a year to get over not being there. As the old saying goes: Whoever has lived in two countries, can never be truly satisfied(loosely translated). I guess the only thing I can do is visit every so often and be happy with that.

1 comment:

Tinsie said...

I try to avoid wondering "what if". In my opinion, it only ever leads to depression, coz the grass is invariably greener on the other side - only who can prove it either way?