Thursday, September 17, 2009

Joaquin Cortes-The King of Flamenco

On September 14th a friend and I went o Kallimarmaro Stadium to watch the last performance of the ultimate king of Flamenco,Joaquin Cortes. To be honest, I wasn't so sure I'd appreciate Flamengo dancing but I was happily surprised.

The performance began at 9:45 due to late arrival of some ticket-holders as usual. In the beginning, he performed traditional flamenco dances accompanied by 16 musicians. His graceful movement, the expressiveness of his face and body mesmerised us. He also had 10 female dancers who performed with him. They seemed to flow across the stage beautifully.

Unfortunately, some people didn't appreciate the performance and began leaving the stadium but they missed out because he was amazing. We moved closer to the stage as he spoke to the crowd in his sexy Spanish accent,thanking us for coming to his farewell performance. All of a sudden he jumped off the stage and began running across the Stadium and up the stairs. The audience went wild, hugging and kissing him. Upon reaching the stage he began dancing with such vibrance and passion that all the women were screaming like groupies;-)(ME included)

The man looks amazing for a 40-year-old. I love the new look with the shorter hair and trimmed moustache. If this tour comes out on DVD I will defintely get it.


Tinsie said...

You screaming like a groupie? Never!

Good job some people left and you could get better seats closer to the stage. Does this mean you didn't need to use your binoculars?

Kate said...

COuldn't find them but I got an eye-full my friend. If you do decide to go and watch him when he comes to London, don't get the cheap tickets like I did. You won't enjoy the performance.